Printing Custom Flex components using PrintJob
06 Apr 2005Someone on flexcoders asked about printing a Custom component using PrintJob.
I wrote a quick and dirty example. The idea is to create instance of component in main application, print it and delete it when printing is done.
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns="*">
import Help;
var helpRef;
function testPrintJob():Void
helpRef= createChild(Help, "help");
//wait untill help is created & rendered completely...
helpRef.addEventListener("creationComplete",mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, printHelp));
function printHelp()
var printJob:PrintJob= new PrintJob();
delete printJob;
<mx:Button label="print" click="testPrintJob();"/>
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="">
<mx:Label id="_lbl" text="Hello I am Help...."/>
<mx:Button label="Button in Help..."/>