HTTP Authentication for HTTP/GET requests using ActionScript 3
03 Mar 2006I am working on ActionScript3 API for Bloglines services, which requires HTTP Authentication for its two of the services. I was not able to set the header of a HTTP/GET request. Macromedia Flash Player allows you set the header only for POST requests. I discussed this issues with Ted Patrick and he told me how I can us Socket to achieve the desired and he was very kind to give a me code-snippet, which got me started. Thanks Ted.
Finally, I could implement a class(HTTPURLLoader) which allows me to:
- Add request-headers
- Do HTTP Authentication for GET URLs
- Handle HTTP status messages
- Read the complete response header
It basically connects to a HTTP server on port 80(hardcoded for now) and sends an HTTP/1.0 request so that server closes the connection immediately after response. I could use HTTP/1.1 to keep connection alive and do things. But then closing connection would require some more logic, either a timeout logic if there is no activity on socket then close the connection, or find the end delimiter of response and then close. So I chose the easiest approach :)
I am still working on it and there is a lot(bugs-fixing, optimization, code-commenting, removing hardcoded stuff etc) to be done. I just wanted to share whatever I have done so far. I think, idea is more important than the implementation.
Anyways, I also implemented Base64 in AS3 and also OPML parser for Bloglines. I would soon upload the entire Bloglines AS3 API source.
View HTTPURLLoader Source and Example: